F# is about clarity of thinking and expression - “computational thinking made manifest” - and is loved by researchers for bringing clear, concise problem solving techniques developed in academia into practice. F# is acts as an inspiration for thousands of students and researchers worldwide. Many standard F# features (including active patterns and asynchronous workflows) have been described in publications, and many research projects build on top of F#.

How to reference F# in a research paper.

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The History of F#

The Early History of the F# Language

Presented by Don Syme at HOPL-IV, The History of Programming Languages, 22 June 2021.

This paper describes the genesis and early history of the F# programming language. I start with the origins of strongly-typed functional programming (FP) in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. During the same period, Microsoft was founded and grew to dominate the software industry. In 1997, as a response to Java, Microsoft initiated internal projects which eventually became the .NET programming framework and the C# language. From 1997 the worlds of academic functional programming and industry combined at Microsoft Research, Cambridge. The researchers engaged with the company through Project 7, the initial effort to bring multiple languages to .NET, leading to the initiation of .NET Generics in 1998 and F# in 2002. F# was one of several responses by advocates of strongly-typed functional programming to the “object-oriented tidal wave” of the mid-1990s. The development of the core features of F# 1.0 happened from 2004-2007, and I describe the decision-making process that led to the “productization” of F# by Microsoft in 2007-10 and the release of F# 2.0. The origins of F#’s characteristic features are covered: object programming, quotations, statically resolved type parameters, active patterns, computation expressions, async, units-of-measure and type providers. I describe key developments in F# since 2010, including F# 3.0-4.5, and its evolution as an open source, cross-platform language with multiple delivery channels. I conclude by examining some uses of F# and the influence F# has had on other languages so far.

Information-rich programming

Types from data: Making structured data first-class citizens in F#

Tomas Petricek, Don Syme, Gustavo Guerra
Distinguished Paper Award, PLDI 2016

Most modern applications interact with external services and access data in structured formats such as XML, JSON and CSV. Static type systems do not understand such formats, often making data access more cumbersome. Should we give up and leave the messy world of external data to dynamic typing and runtime checks? Of course, not!

In this paper, we integrate external structured data into F# programming. As most real-world data does not come with an explicit schema, we develop a shape inference algorithm that infers a shape from representative sample documents and transforms the shape into F# types using type providers. We present a formalization and a relative type soundness theorem for a simplified version of this process.

Our library significantly reduces the amount of data access code and it provides additional safety guarantees when contrasted with the widely used weakly typed techniques.

F# 3.0 - Strongly-Typed Language Support for Internet-Scale Information Sources

Don Syme et al.
MSR Technical Report

A growing trend in both the theory and practice of programming is the interaction between programming and rich information spaces. From databases to web services to the semantic web to cloud-based data, the need to integrate programming with heterogeneous, connected, richly structured, streaming and evolving information sources is ever-increasing. Most modern applications incorporate one or more external information sources as integral components.

Providing strongly typed access to these sources is a key consideration for strongly-typed programming languages, to insure low impedance mismatch in information access. At this scale, information integration strategies based on library design and code generation are manual, clumsy, and do not handle the internet-scale information sources now encountered in enterprise, web and cloud environments.

In this report we describe the design and implementation of the type provider mechanism in F# 3.0 and its applications to typed programming with web ontologies, web-services, systems management information, database mappings, data markets, content management systems, economic data and hosted scripting. Type soundness becomes relative to the soundness of the type providers and the schema change in information sources, but the role of types in information-rich programming tasks is massively expanded, especially through tooling that benefits from rich types in explorative programming.

Themes in Information-Rich Functional Programming for Internet-Scale Data Sources

Don Syme et al.
DDFP 2013

The F# language includes a feature called F# 3.0 Type Providers to support the integration of internet-scale information sources into a strongly typed functional-first programming environment. In this position paper we describe the key themes in information-rich functional programming that we have observed during this work. Our contribution is to document these themes and highlight future challenges and opportunities, in the context of a recently released, practical, open-source system for information-rich functional programming. We believe that this area is rich in excellent opportunities for future language and tooling research, information-space integration and schematization techniques.

Asynchronous, Concurrent and Reactive programming

The F# Asynchronous Programming Model

Don Syme, Tomas Petricek, Dmitry Lomov
Proceedings of PADL 2011

We describe the asynchronous programming model in F#, and its applications to reactive, parallel and concurrent programming. The key feature combines a core language with a non-blocking modality to author lightweight asynchronous tasks, where the modality has control flow constructs that are syntactically a superset of the core language and are given an asynchronous semantic interpretation. This allows smooth transitions between synchronous and asynchronous code and eliminates callback-style treatments of inversion of control, without disturbing the foundation of CPU-intensive programming that allows F# to interoperate smoothly and compile efficiently to .NET and native code.

Collecting Hollywood’s Garbage: Avoiding Space-Leaks in Composite Events

Tomas Petricek, Don Syme
Proceedings of ISMM 2010

The reactive programming model is largely different to what we’re used to as we don’t have full control over the application’s control flow. If we mix the declarative and imperative programming style, which is usual in the ML family of languages, the situation is even more complex. It becomes easy to introduce patterns where the usual garbage collector for objects cannot automatically dispose all components that we intuitively consider garbage.

In this paper we discuss a duality between the definitions of garbage for objects and events. We combine them into a single one, to specify the notion of garbage for reactive programming model in a mixed functional/imperative language and we present a formal algorithm for collecting garbage in this environment.

Building on top of the theoretical model, we implement a library for reactive programming that does not cause leaks when used in the mixed declarative/imperative model. The library allows us to safely combine both of the reactive programming patterns. As a result, we can take advantage of the clarity and simplicity of the declarative approach as well as the expressivity of the imperative model.

DSLs and Meta-programming

Joinads: a retargetable control-flow construct for reactive, parallel and concurrent programming

Tomas Petricek and Don Syme
Proceedings of PADL 2011

Modern challenges led to a design of a wide range of programming models for reactive, parallel and concurrent programming, but these are often difficult to encode in general purpose languages. We present an abstract type of computations called joinads together with a syntactic language extension that aims to make it easier to use joinads in modern functional languages.

Our extension generalizes pattern matching to work on abstract computations. It keeps a familiar syntax and semantics of pattern matching making it easy to reason about code, even in a non-standard programming model. We demonstrate our extension using three important programming models – a reactive model based on events; a concurrent model based on join calculus and a parallel model using futures. All three models are implemented as libraries that benefit from our syntactic extension. This makes them easier to use and also opens space for exploring new useful programming models.

The F# Computation Expression Zoo

Tomas Petricek, Don Syme
Proceedings of PADL 2014

Many computations can be structured using abstract computation types such as monoids, monad transformers or applicative functors. Functional programmers use those abstractions directly while main-stream languages often integrate concrete instances as language features - e.g. generators in Python or asynchronous computations in C# 5.0. The question is, is there a sweet spot between convenient, hardwired language features, and an inconvenient but flexible libraries?

F# computation expressions answer this question in the affirmative. Unlike the do notation in Haskell, computation expressions are not tied to a single kind of abstraction. They support a wide range of computations, depending on what operations are available. They also provide greater syntactic flexibility leading to a more intuitive syntax, without resorting to full macro-based meta-programming.

We show that computation expressions can structure well-known computations including monoidal list comprehensions, monadic parsers, applicative formlets and asynchronous sequences based on the list monad transformer. We also present typing rules for computation expressions that are capable of capturing all these applications.

Classes for the Masses

Claudio Russo, Matthew Windsor, Don Syme, Rupert Horlick, James Clarke Proceedings of ML 2016

Type classes are an immensely popular and productive feature of Haskell. They have since been adopted in, and adapted to, numerous other languages, including theorem provers. We show that type classes have a natural and efficient representation in .NET that paves the way for the extension of F#, C# and other .NET languages with type classes. Our encoding is type preserving and promises easy and safe cross-language inter-operation. We have extended the open source C# compiler and language service, Roslyn, with pervasive support for type classes and have prototyped a more minimalist design for F#.

Leveraging .NET meta-programming components from F#: integrated queries and interoperable heterogeneous execution

Don Syme
Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on ML

Language-integrated meta-programming and extensible compilation have been recurring themes of programming languages since the invention of LISP. A recent real-world application of these techniques is the use of small meta-programs to specify database queries, as used in the
LINQ extensions for .NET. It is important that .NET languages such as F# are able to leverage the functionality provided by LINQ and related components for heterogeneous execution, both for pragmatic reasons and as a first step toward applying more disciplined, formal approaches to these problems. This paper explores the use of a modest meta-programming extension to F# to access and leverage the functionality of LINQ and other components. We do this by demonstrating an implementation of language integrated SQL queries using the LINQ/SQLMetal libraries. We also sketch two other applications: the execution of data-parallel quoted F# programs on a GPU via the Accelerator libraries, and dynamic native-code compilation via LINQ.

The F# Computation Expression Zoo

Tomas Petricek and Don Syme In proceedings of PADL 2014

Many computations can be structured using abstract computation types such as monoids, monad transformers or applicative functors. Functional programmers use those abstractions directly while main-stream languages often integrate concrete instances as language features - e.g. generators in Python or asynchronous computations in C# 5.0. The question is, is there a sweet spot between convenient, hardwired language features, and an inconvenient but flexible libraries?

F# computation expressions answer this question in the affirmative. Unlike the do notation in Haskell, computation expressions are not tied to a single kind of abstraction. They support a wide range of computations, depending on what operations are available. They also provide greater syntactic flexibility leading to a more intuitive syntax, without resorting to full macro-based meta-programming.

We show that computation expressions can structure well-known computations including monoidal list comprehensions, monadic parsers, applicative formlets and asynchronous sequences based on the list monad transformer. We also present typing rules for computation expressions that are capable of capturing all these applications.

Parallel and Distributed programming

MBrace: cloud computing with monads

Jan Dzik, Nick Palladinos, Konstantinos Rontogiannis, Eirik Tsarpalis, Nikolaos Vathis In pre-proceedings of PLOS ‘13 Seventh Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems Article No. 7

As cloud computing and big data gain prominence in today’s economic landscape, the challenge of effectively articulating complex algorithms in distributed environments becomes ever more important. In this paper we describe MBrace; a novel programming model/framework for performing large scale computation in the cloud. Based on the .NET software stack, it utilizes the power of the F# programming language. MBrace introduces a declarative style for specifying and composing parallelism patterns, in what is known as cloud workflows or a cloud monad. MBrace is also a distributed execution runtime that handles orchestration of cloud workflows in the data centre.

Implementation of MBrace for large-scale cloud computing

Konstantinos Rontogiannis Diploma Thesis, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015

The purpose of this diploma dissertation is on one hand the description of MBrace; a programming model for performing large scale distributed computations, and on the other hand the implementation of MBrace on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

In the era of big data and cloud computing, the need for efficient and effective orchestration of distributed computations becomes a necessity. Cloud computing providers make it easy for someone to get access to computational resources needed.

Programming large scale distributed systems is a remarkably difficult task, that requires the management and orchestration of multiple concurrent processes, software and hardware failures, scalability and elasticity.

In this diploma dissertation we describe MBrace; a programming model for large scale cloud computing. Based on the F# programming language and the .NET framework stack, MBrace provides a declarative, expressive and rich model for creating and composing distributed computations. This pattern is also known as cloud workflows, or cloud monad. Finally, we have implemented this model on top of the Microsoft Azure platform, providing MBrace.Azure: a distributed execution runtime for cloud computations.

Specifying and Executing Optimizations for Parallel Programs

William Mansky, Dennis Griffith, Elsa L. Gunter In pre-proceedings of GRAPHITE ‘14

Compiler optimizations, usually expressed as rewrites on program graphs, are a core part of all modern compilers. However, even production compilers have bugs, and these bugs are difficult to detect and resolve. The problem only becomes more complex when compiling parallel programs; from the choice of graph representation to the possibility of race conditions, optimization designers have a range of factors to consider that do not appear when dealing with single-threaded programs. In this paper we present PTRANS, a domain-specific language for formal specification of compiler transformations, and describe its executable semantics. The fundamental approach of PTRANS is to describe program transformations as rewrites on control flow graphs with temporal logic side conditions. The syntax of PTRANS allows cleaner, more comprehensible specification of program optimizations; its executable semantics allows these specifications to act as prototypes for the optimizations themselves, so that candidate optimizations can be tested and refined before going on to include them in a compiler. We demonstrate the use of PTRANS to state, test, and refine the specification of a redundant store elimination optimization on parallel programs.

Prajna: Cloud Service and Interactive Big Data Analytics

Jin Li, Sanjeev Mehrotra and Weirong Zhu

In this paper, we describe Prajna, a distributed functional programming platform. Prajna is built on top of .Net and F#, and is open source released. Prajna not only supports (and extends) in-memory data analytics on large clusters like that of Spark, but also supports development and deployment of cloud services. Moreover, we show that Prajna can harmonize cloud service and data analytical service, and add rich data analytics on any existing cloud service/application. Prajna supports running of cloud service and interactive data analytics in both managed code and unmanaged code, and supports running of remote code with significant data components (e.g., a recognition model that is hundreds of megabytes in size).

Units of Measure

Relational parametricity and units of measure

Type systems for programming languages with numeric types can be extended to support the checking of units of measure. Quantification over units then introduces a new kind of parametric polymorphism with a corresponding Reynolds-style representation independence principle: that the behaviour of programs is invariant under changes to the units used. We prove this ‘dimensional invariance’ result and describe four consequences. The first is that the type of an expression can be used to derive equations which describe its properties with respect to scaling (akin to Wadler’s ‘theorems for free’ for System F). Secondly there are certain types which are inhabited only by trivial terms. For example, we prove that a fully polymorphic square root function cannot be written using just the usual arithmetic primitives. Thirdly we exhibit interesting isomorphisms between types and for first-order types relate these to the central theorem of classical dimensional analysis. Finally we suggest that for any expression whose behaviour is dimensionally invariant there exists some equivalent expression whose type reflects this behaviour, a consequence of which would be a full abstraction result for a model of the language.

Programming Languages and Dimensions

Andrew Kennedy PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1995

Types for Units-of-Measure: Theory and Practice

Andrew Kennedy Lecture notes , for CEFP’09, Revised July 2010

Web programming

Visualizing Data in the Web

Loic Denuziere, Adam Granicz, Anton Tayanovskyy Data Driven Functional Programming 2013 (DDFP)

Composing Reactive GUIs in F# Using WebSharper

Joel Bjornson, Anton Tayanovskyy, and Adam Granicz The 22nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL)

We present a generic library for constructing composable and interactive user interfaces in a declarative style. The paper introduces flowlets, an extension of formlets providing interactivity. Realworld examples are given using the current implementation that compiles flowlets defined in F# to JavaScript with WebSharper

Functional programming

Extensible pattern matching via a lightweight language extension

Don Syme, Gregory Neverov, James Margetson Proceedings of ICFP 2007

Pattern matching of algebraic data types (ADTs) is a standard feature in typed functional programming languages, but it is well known that it interacts poorly with abstraction. While several partial solutions to this problem have been proposed, few have been implemented or used. This paper describes an extension to the .NET language F# called active patterns, which supports pattern matching over abstract representations of generic heterogeneous data such as XML and term structures, including where these are represented via object models in other .NET languages. Our design is the first to incorporate both ad hoc pattern matching functions for partial decompositions and “views” for total decompositions, and yet remains a simple and lightweight extension. We give a description of the language extension along with numerous motivating examples. Finally we describe how this feature would interact with other reasonable and related language extensions: existential types quantified at data discrimination tags, GADTs, and monadic generalizations of pattern matching.

Initializing Mutually Referential Abstract Objects: The Value Recursion Challenge

Don Syme
Proceedings of ML Workshop 2006

Mutual dependencies between objects arise frequently in programs, and programmers must typically solve this value recursion by manually filling “initialization holes” to help construct the corresponding object graphs, i.e. null values and/or explicitly mutable locations. This paper aims to augment ongoing theoretical work on value recursion with a description of a semi-safe mechanism for a generalized form of value recursion in an ML-like language, where initialization corresponds to a graph of lazy computations whose nodes are sequentially forced, requiring runtime checks for soundness during initialization in the style of Russo. Our primary contribution is to use the mechanism to develop compelling examples of how the absence of value recursion leads to real problems in the presence of abstraction boundaries, and give micro-examples that characterize how initialization graphs permit more programs to be expressed in the mutation-free fragment of ML. Finally we argue that in heterogeneous programming environments semi-safe variations on value-recursion may be appropriate for ML-like languages, because initialization effects from external libraries are difficult to characterize, document and control.

Extending Monads with Pattern Matching

Tomas Petricek, Alan Mycroft and Don Syme
Proceedings of Haskell Symposium 2011

Sequencing of effectful computations can be neatly captured using monads and elegantly written using do notation. In practice such monads often allow additional ways of composing computations, which have to be written explicitly using combinators.

We identify joinads, an abstract notion of computation that is stronger than monads and captures many such ad-hoc extensions. In particular, joinads are monads with three additional operations: one of type m a -> m b -> m (a, b) captures various forms of parallel composition, one of type m a -> m a -> m a that is inspired by choice and one of type m a -> m (m a) that captures aliasing of computations. Algebraically, the first two operations form a near-semiring with commutative multiplication.

We introduce docase notation that can be viewed as a monadic version of case. Joinad laws make it possible to prove various syntactic equivalences of programs written using docase that are analogous to equivalences about case. Examples of joinads that benefit from the notation include speculative parallelism, waiting for a combination of user interface events, but also encoding of validation rules using the intersection of parsers.

Try Joinads Demonstrator

Joinads is a general-purpose research extension of the F# computation expression syntax (also called monadic syntax) in F# and is mainly useful for concurrent, parallal and reactive programming. The extension adds a new piece of notation, written match! that can be used to compose computations using non-deterministic choice, parallel composition and aliasing.

The best way to experiment with Joinads is to visit the TryJoinads.org web site, which contains a number of tutorials that can be tested in web browser capable of running Silverlight (MacOS and Windows).

Evaluation strategies for monadic computations

Tomas Petricek
Proceedings of MSFP 2012

Monads have become a powerful tool for structuring effectful computations in functional programming, because they make the order of effects explicit. When translating pure code to a monadic version, we need to specify evaluation order explicitly. This requires us to choose between call-by-value or call-by-name style. The two translations give programs with different semantics, structure and also different types.

In this paper, we translate pure code to monadic using an additional operation malias that abstracts out the evaluation strategy. The malias operation is based on computational comonads; we use a categorical framework to specify the laws that are required to hold about the operation.

We show two implementations of malias for any monad that give call-by-value and call-by-name semantics. Although we do not give call-by-need semantics for any monad, we show how to turn any monad into an extended monad with call-by-need semantics, which partly answers a standing open question. Moreover, using our unified translation, it is possible to change the evaluation strategy of functional code translated to the monadic form without changing its structure or types.

Security and Verification Research

The experimental FStar language is inspired by F#. Some of the publications about FStar are below.

  • Verifying Higher-order Programs with the Dijkstra Monad, Nikhil Swamy, Joel Weinberger, Cole Schlesinger, Juan Chen, and Benjamin Livshits, in ACM Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) 2013, ACM, June 2013

  • Self-Certification: Bootstrapping Certified Typecheckers in FStar with Coq, Pierre-Yves Strub, Nikhil Swamy, Cedric Fournet, and Juan Chen, in In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles on Programming Languages, ACM, January 2012

  • Secure Distributed Programming with Value-dependent Types, Nikhil Swamy, Juan Chen, Cedric Fournet, Pierre-Yves Strub, Karthikeyan Bharagavan, and Jean Yang, in The 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2011), ACM SIGPLAN, September 2011

  • Verified Security for Browser Extensions, Arjun Guha, Matthew Fredrikson, Benjamin Livshits, and Nikhil Swamy, in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), IEEE, 22 May 2011

  • Mechanized soundness proofs for FStar, Pierre-Yves Strub, Cedric Fournet, and Nikhil Swamy, 1 April 2011

  • Secure Distributed Programming with Value-Dependent Types, Nikhil Swamy, Juan Chen, Cedric Fournet, Pierre-Yves Strub, Karthikeyan Bharagavan, and Jean Yang, no. MSR-TR-2011-37, 24 March 2011


For more applications of F#, see the Testimonials page. Below are some peer-reviewed publications or academic presentations related to applications of F#.

Learning with F#

Phil Trelford, Commercial Users of Funnctional Programming, 2006. This talk describes how the Applied Games Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge uses F#. This group consists of seven people, and specializes in the application of statistical machine learning, especially ranking problems. The ranking systems they have developed are used by the XBox Live team to do server-side analysis of game logs, and they recently entered an internal competition to improve “click-through” prediction rates on Microsoft adCenter, a multi-million dollar industry for the company. The amount of data analysed by the tools is astounding: e.g. 3TB in one case, with programs running continuously over four weeks of training data and occupying all the physical memory on the 64-bit 16GB machines we use.

F# plays a crucial role in helping the group process this data efficiently and develop smart algorithms that extract essential features from the data and represent the information using the latest statistical technique called “factor graphs”. Our use of F# in conjunction with SQL Server 2005 is especially interesting: we use novel compilation techniques to express the primary schema in F# and then use SQL Server as a data slave.

Developing an F# Bioinformatics Application with HTML5 Visualization

Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) 2012

With proprietary plugin-based containers like Flash or Silverlight gradually losing ground, an increasing number of web applications are beginning to seek web standards compliance, and to utilize HTML5 to deliver rich and interactive client-side functionality and end-user experience. Indeed, modern browsers continue to invest heavily in establishing standard support for various HTML5 features, making HTML5 an appropriate choice for an ever-growing crowd of web developers.

Earlier this year at IntelliFactory, we completed a pilot project missioned to create a custom, innovative, and highly interactive bioinformatics web application using F# and our WebSharper technology. This application set out to serve the bioinformatics research community, and to deliver, among others, an interactive visualization of the gene sequence of a particular bacterium, with various mutations available for further research and laboratory use. The application consumed a large amount of bio data and integrated various advanced HTML5 visualizations, such as full functional gene ontology, a KEGG orthology, and a phenotype map, making it a useful web resource for researchers and laboratory staff alike.

I will present our experience report on developing this bioinformatics application, the practices and guidelines related to client-based visualization projects we distilled while developing it, the challenges we met on the way, and how we solved these challenges. Many bioinformatics algorithms are amenable to functional programming, but as a full-blown web application with advanced visualization this project yielded a great deal of details that we hope will be useful for other attendees.

BumbleBee: A Transformation Environment for Spreadsheet Formulae

Felienne Hermans, Danny Dig

Spreadsheets are widely used in industry. It is estimated that end-user programmers outnumber regular programmers by a factor of 5. However, spreadsheets are error-prone: several reports exist of companies which have lost money because of spreadsheet errors. We assert that a contributing factor to these problems is the difficulty of consistent editing of spreadsheet formulas.

The First Substantial Line of Business Application in F#, video

Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory, Alex Peake, Veracentra Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) 2009

We have developed MarketingPlatform™ a marketing automation solution delivered as Software as a Service with F# as the primary language. MarketingPlatform™ is a solution for marketers in direct marketing and in channel marketing who would like to gain a timely and deep understanding of what is working and what is not working in their marketing campaigns. Marketers are than facilitated in the execution and delivery of campaigns, using this insight to create relevant communications to each individual. It is divided into four tightly integrated campaign management steps of Measure, Analyze, Design and Execute.

Applying Functional Programming to Build Platform-Independent Mobile Applications

Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) 2011

Native mobile applications enjoyed tremendous success in recent years, and looking at various mobile application stores such as Apple’s App Store or Google’s Android Market reveals a staggering number of native mobile applications. As technologies to build these applications mature and the market saturates, mobile OS vendors are struggling to find ways to keep up with and secure the exponential market growth. Inhibiting factors include platform-specific development environments, programming languages, and building blocks for applications; developer-unfriendly licensing, policies and subscriptions; and controlled channels of application distribution.

These problems have given rise to many promising alternatives and technologies that aim to bridge across various mobile platforms and enable sharing some or all the code in between versions of applications for different mobile OSs. Two main directions unfolded: targeting mobile code generation from mainstream languages such as C# and Java, and embracing web applications with platform-independent UI abstractions and enhanced access to the capabilities of the underlying device. While the technologies that enabled the former are an interesting topic, we believe that the latter has implications not only for mobile applications but also for their desktop counterparts, and finding ways to utilize functional programming in the development of these web-based applications has an immense impact on mobiles and desktops alike.

In this talk I will highlight some of the work we are doing at IntelliFactory to enable building platform-independent mobile applications in F#. This work leverages our commercially available WebSharper framework, the premiere functional web development framework for F# with thousands of active users and partner companies, and utilizes some key functional programming abstractions that enable modeling first-class, type-safe, composable web applications and user interfaces. I will briefly outline the metaprogramming infrastructure that enables us to enlist arbitrary JavaScript libraries into the type-safe discipline of F#, and the underlying CoreJS language that is more amenable to reasoning about and applying code transformations and optimizations.

At the end of the talk, I will briefly touch upon our upcoming F# in the Cloud support and how that helps to seamlessly scale into the cloud desktop and mobile web applications with immense server computation needs.

GLR-based abstract parsing, video (in russian)

Semen Grigorev, Saint Petersburg State University, Iakov Kirilenko, Saint Petersburg State University

Central & Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia (CEE-SECR ‘13) 2013

Abstract parsing is an important step of the processing of dynamically constructed statements or string-embedded languages (such as embedded or dynamic SQL). Existing LALR-based algorithms have performance issues. To increase performance we propose to use a GLR-algorithm as a base for abstract parsing and to reuse graph-structured stack and shared packed parse forest. RNGLR-algorithm modification for abstract parsing is presented.