Documentation for F#
F# Language Reference
Comprehensive F# documentation that includes general information about F#, a language reference explaining all F# constructs as well as documentation for the standard F# library.
F# Core API Reference
The reference documentation for the FSharp.Core library.
The F# Language Specification
The specification gives an in-depth technical explanation of the F# language constructs and required compiler behavior. It discusses topics such as lexical analysis, grammar, types including type inference algorithm, expressions, patterns and other.
F# Cheat Sheet
The cheat sheet is a small and concise guide to F# syntax for newcomers to get started with the language. It’s available in HTML and PDF format.
The F# Component Design Guidelines
This document is a set of component design guidelines for F# programming. It describes guidelines for designing libraries for use from other languages, guidelines for F#-to-F# libraries and suggestions on coding conventions.