F# Slack Team
F# Software Foundation Slack
Slack is a persistent chat service.
Members of the F# Software Foundation are invited to the F# Software Foundation team. To join, become a member of the F# Software Foundation by visiting this page. Once you are a member, you will automatically be queued to receive an invite to the Foundation’s Slack team.
Channels in Slack Team
Once you sign into the Slack team, there are various channels containing topics in which you can participate:
- #general: General discussions on any topic, including social conversations for members of the Foundation
- #beginners: Questions and answers for beginners coming to F# and the F# Community
- #code: Code-focused discussion on any F# related topic
- #web: Discussion focused on using F# with web based technologies
- #mobiledev: Discussion focused on using F# with mobile technologies
- #compiler: Discussion surrounding the F# compiler and FSharp.Core
- #langdesign: Discussion surrounding the F# language design
- #editor_support: Discussion focused on adding IDE support for F#
- #jobs: Job and career related discussions for F# Software Foundation members
- #dotnetcore: Discussion around F# support for .NET Core, as well as porting libraries
- #speakers: Discussion for people who speak about F#, as well as the F# Software Foundation Speakers’ Program
- #mentorship: Discussion about the F# Software Foundation Mentorship Program
- #user_group_leaders: Discussion for leaders of user groups
If you don’t receive the invite within 48 hours, or if you have any questions, please send an email to info@fsharp.org to follow up.
Features of Slack
Some of Slack’s features include:
- Persistence - No need to be continually logged in
- Link Sharing - For example linked images can be automatically shown
- Message Formatting
- Message editing - you can correct message typos or delete them entirely
- File and text snippet sharing
History within Slack is limited. We recommend using the F# Software Foundation Community Forums for questions or discussions where persistance and history are important.