This page lists some resources for teaching F# in formal settings.

Teaching programming language concepts with F#

Peter Sestoft, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

This is a two-part video lecture by Peter Sestoft, professor from the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In the lecture, Peter introduces the curriculum, lecture plan and lecture notes for the course “Programs as data” that uses the functional programming concepts in F# to teach students language concepts and implemen­tation details.

Functional Programming Using F#

Michael R. Hansen and Hans Rischel

This introduction to the principles of functional programming using F# shows how to apply theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs. Coverage includes advanced features in the .NET library, the imperative features of F# and topics such as sequences, computation expressions and asynchronous computations. The book contains a broad spectrum of examples and exercises.

Further material comprising the programs in the book, lecture slides and mini-projects are found on the book web site.


Programming Language Concepts

Peter Sestoft

Programming Language Concepts uses a functional programming language (F#) as the metalanguage in which to present all concepts and examples, and thus has an operational flavour, enabling practical experiments and exercises. It includes basic concepts such as abstract syntax, interpretation, stack machines, compilation, type checking, and garbage collection techniques, as well as the more advanced topics on polymorphic types, type inference using unification, co- and contravariant types, continuations, and backwards code generation with on-the-fly peephole optimization.

Programming Language Concepts covers practical construction of lexers and parsers, but not regular expressions, automata and grammars, which are well covered elsewhere. It throws light on the design and technology of Java and C# to strengthen students’ understanding of these widely used languages. The examples present several interpreters and compilers for toy languages, including a compiler for a small but usable subset of C, several abstract machines, a garbage collector, and ML-style polymorphic type inference. Each chapter has exercises based on such examples.

Lectures and course material